There is no substitute for mother's milk

                         There is no substitute for mother's milk

There is no substitute for mother's milk
There is no substitute for mother's milk

There is never a substitute for mother's milk.Let the baby drink milk 12-20 times a day. The amount of food that the baby needs is the amount of milk that Allah has kept in you. Just a lack of proper rules. If the baby cannot be fed properly, the baby will not get milk.

How to take the baby in your arms, how to hold it, how to suck the butt. If you do not know the proper use of these, the baby will get less milk.

Remember that the more you suck the baby, the more milk the baby will get. It will clear the way for milk. The black part of the butt should be given completely inside the baby's mouth, if only the butt-ta-e is sucked then the mother of the baby will feel pain, will not want to suck anymore. As a result the baby will also be deprived of food.


The baby's mother also needs some treatment. For example, take Amidon 3 times a day. Eat more pumpkins and vegetables. Even then, if the baby does not get milk, the doctor will show it.

Do not listen to words. Follow medical advice.

(I said from the experience of my wife and child. My child is still healthy. Alhamdulillah)


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  1. it is true no alternative of mother's milk
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