Eid al-Adha: Significance and significance.

Eid al-Adha: Significance and significance.

Eid al-Adha: Significance and significance.
Eid al-Adha: Significance and significance.

Eid al-Adha: Significance and significance. Eid al-Adha is basically an Arabic phrase. It means 'festival of renunciation'. The main theme of this festival is abandonment. On this day, Muslims go to Eidgah after Fajr prayers and perform two rak'ats of Eid-ul-Azhar prayers and immediately after that they sacrifice cows, goats, sheep, buffaloes and camels in the name of Allah according to their financial capacity.

The history of sacrifice begins with the sacrifice of Cain and Abel, the two sons of the original father Adam (AS). Since then it has been issued on all the ummahs of the past. The law of sacrifice that has been prescribed for us has been introduced as 'Sunnah Ibrahimi' following the sacrifice of the infant son Ishmael (as) by Ibrahim (as) in the way of Allah. Ishmael's example of unparalleled sacrifice through unconditional surrender to God is remembered throughout the years as 'Eid al-Adha' or the Eid of the Sacrifice. The best example of surrender to Allah is seen in this sacrifice.

The word 'qurban' has been used instead of qurbani in the Holy Quran. The word 'qurbani' has not been used in the hadith but the words 'uzhiyah' and 'zahiya' have been used instead. This is why the Eid of Qurbani is called Eid-ul-Azha. And in the technical sense ‘Qurbani’ means the medium by which one is close to Allah. This day is called 'Yaomul Azha' because 'Qurbani' is performed when the red sun rises in the morning. 4 Qurbani is a religious act of worship for Muslims. This worship is to be performed between the 10th and 12th of the month of Zilhaj. InshaAllah we will try to have a brief discussion on the importance, significance and teachings of Eid-ul-Azha in this article.


The importance of Eid-ul-Azha is immense. Sufficient emphasis has been given in the Qur'an-Hadith in this regard. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): Therein is good for you '(Hajj 36). Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): We left it among the later ones' (Chaffat 106-106). Allah says, فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَانْحَرْ ‘You perform salat for the sake of your Lord and offer sacrifices’ The infidels worship their gods and goddesses and at various graves and altars and offer sacrifices to idols. In protest, Muslims have been ordered to perform salat for Allah and make sacrifices for His sake.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sm) said, “Whoever does not sacrifice in spite of his ability, let him not be close to our Eid-ul-Fitr.” As Rasulullah (sm) himself performed in Madinah every year and the Sahabis also made regular sacrifices. Since then, it has continued among the able-bodied members of the Muslim Ummah. This is well proved by the Book and Sunnah and the consensus of the Ummah.


Eid-ul-Azha is a festival of remembrance of Ibrahim (AS), Bibi Hajera and Ishmael. Abraham (peace be upon him) is mentioned in the Qur'an as the father of the Muslim nation (Hajj 7). This family is the greatest ideal of sacrifice for the Muslim world. Therefore, on the day of Eid-ul-Azha, the entire Muslim nation strives to gain the pleasure of Allah by following the Abrahamic Sunnah. Millions of Muslims from all over the world gather in Mecca-Medina, which is intertwined with the memory of Ibrahim (AS), on the occasion of Hajj, the month of Jilhaj, which commemorates the sacrifice. They try their best to follow the Abrahamic ideals. Hajj is a unique example of unity, solidarity and brotherhood of the Muslim Ummah. Which inspires us every year with Tawheed inspiration. We strongly feel the world Muslim brotherhood. The festival of Eid is a social festival, a festival of collective happiness. Sacrifice is a part of Eid-ul-Azha festival. Sacrifice is a means of purification and purification. Although it is a social practice, it has been introduced for the sake of Allah. He is the only giver of every moment whose mercy people are hoping for. Our wealth, family and society are dedicated to Him and sacrifice is a symbol of that dedication.

People want to be blessed with nearness to God through sacrifice. The test is whether man is willing to give up his most cherished thing for the sake of Allah. Sacrifice repeatedly reminds us of that test. That is why Ibrahim (as) had the test of Allah. We no longer have to face the ordeal of sacrificing a son. A ‘Musinnah’ করেই we can pass that test by sacrificing halal animals.


Naturally a question comes up in the context of Eid-ul-Adha. Do we think of feeding the poor and miserable people only at the time of sacrifice? And will I forget them for the rest of the year? No, of course not. Sacrifice is a symbolic thing. Just an example of self-sacrifice for God. Throughout the year, one should give up one's wealth for the welfare of other people in the hope of gaining nearness to Allah. If this attitude of abandonment develops. However, it must be understood that the Eid of Qurbani has become selfish, Qurbani has become selfish. Otherwise, it will remain a nominal consumerist program forever. In the Qur'an, Allah has repeatedly instructed to abandon. Allah says, ‘O you who believe! Spend some of what you have earned, and some of what I have brought out for you from the land '(Baqarah 26). We need to spend the extra resources we need in the service of humanity. The government as well as all the rich people should come forward with the help of the poor people. Throughout the year, people should be helped as much as possible for the sake of gaining the pleasure and nearness of Allah as much as possible. In the Holy Qur'an, Allah has repeatedly called people to harmonize their minds and wealth.

The aim of Eid-ul-Azha is to treat everyone with kindness, sincerity and humility. This opportunity is created only twice a year in the life of Muslims. Rich-poor, king-subjects stand in the same row and perform two rak'ats of salat with their feet and shoulders together, forgetting the differences between people. They share happiness by exchanging pleasantries with each other, making life comfortable and full of sincere generosity. Eid-ul-Azha has been created to remove the misery and frustration in our daily life. It is the duty of able Muslims to give happiness to those who are unhappy and poor and to alleviate the scourge of poverty.

No good deed of a human son is more dear to Allah than shedding blood on the day of sacrifice. On the Day of Resurrection, the horns, hair and razors of the sacrificial animal will be presented. Before the blood of the Qurbani touches the ground, its Chawab becomes acceptable to Allah. Abraham Khalilullah (peace be upon him) raised the knife on the shoulder of his dearest son in the glory of unwavering faith and renunciation. If the zeal for surrender is not aroused, then the festival of their sacrifice will end in the meat-eating phase. Hajj 36). That is, the sacrificer should fear Allah and sacrifice for His pleasure. In conclusion, the real significance of Qurbani is to create the zeal of sacrificing one's life for the sake of Allah, to revive the sacrificial ideology like that of Ibrahim's son Qurbani and to remember the grace of Allah and to express His greatness.


In the words of the national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam, it is necessary to say, People will accept the highest sacrifice for Allah, this is the teaching that Ibrahim (AS) has left for us. The Prophet Muhammad (sm) has given us the special honor of following the formal sacrifice. And the main call of Eid-ul-Azha is to show sincere devotion to Allah, the Creator. Turning to one God in all directions. The main lesson of Eid-ul-Azha is to surrender to the pleasure of Allah above all things, the lure of wealth, the lure of pleasure, the affection of the child, the love of the wife. Husbands, wives and children have deep self-confidence, unwavering faith, trust in God and finally passing the toughest test of slaughtering the most beloved child in life according to His command to please Allah - all these were unwavering devotion to Allah, deep fear of Allah and self tawheed. And the highest peak of taqwa. Abraham sacrificed his son by the command of Allah. Originally, he used it to sacrifice his son's love.

 The son's love is not greater than God's love, as evidenced by his behavior. That is what God wanted. And this is the true taqwa or fear of Allah. Abraham (peace be upon him) set a wonderful example by sacrificing his beloved son Ishmael (peace be upon him) so that countless people of the future could learn the lesson of surrender to Allah. Every year in the month of Zilhaj, the Muslim nation commemorates Ibrahim (as) through animal sacrifices and tries to gain the pleasure of Allah by sacrificing their animals along with the animal sacrifices. Ishmael taught the world a real and burning lesson of surrender at a young age. Surrender is basically the name of giving one's all in the way of Allah.

 The incomparable ideal of complete surrender to God by father and son is as unparalleled as ever imitable. Today, inspired by the Abrahamic ideals, along with animal sacrifices, we must take a solemn oath that we are ready to accept any sacrifice, including material, for the sake of Allah's pleasure. And that is the teaching of sacrifice. In this age of golden ideals, the world has repeatedly sought to bring to mind the absolute truth that God is the only sovereign power, that obedience to His will and contentment is the work of the true believer, and that there is infinite goodness and real success. Abraham (pbuh) passed all the tests and gained the pleasure of Allah, became the self-proclaimed Imam of mankind. He is the ideal of mankind. Allah says, "For those of you who fear Allah and the Last Day, there is a good example between Ibrahim and his followers" (Mumtahina 4-6).

The practice of Qurbani, which dates back to the time of Adam (pbuh), has been followed by all the later prophets and messengers, their ummah in the name of Allah, sacrificing only for His pleasure. This sacrifice is not just an animal sacrifice. Sacrifice of one's own bestiality, one's own smallness, meanness, selfishness, inferiority, poverty, selfishness and arrogance. The real sacrifice is to make one's own salat, qurbani, life-death and subject-matter all in the name of Allah alone, for the sole purpose of pleasing Him and making the final appointment and renunciation. This sacrifice extends from animal sacrifice to sacrificing one's own animality and martyrdom in the way of Allah through jihad-kital. This sacrifice extends from human desire, intention, preparation, deepest promise to its final implementation. During Eid-ul-Azha, the sacrificial animal sacrifice of a Muslim during Hajj is part of the Tawheed instruction to sacrifice the entire life and property, and at the same time symbolizes the ultimate test and ideal consciousness of the sacrifice of Imam Ibrahim (AS), the son of mankind declared by Allah in the Qur'an.

The only ideal of every human being in a Muslim family would be to disobey Allah's command. Rather, it is their duty and duty to surrender to the command of Allah. Ibrahim, the father of the Muslim nation, taught this to his children. An Urdu poet said, "If the faith of Ibrahim is reborn among us, then the pattern of the flower garden may be created again in the midst of the fire." So, if the Abrahamic faith and the rise of Ismaili self-sacrifice are revived, then the banner of victory of humanity will be raised again by piercing the dark tamishra of modern ignorance. Peace and prosperity will return to the society. Therefore, before giving a knife to the neck of the sacrificial animal, one has to give a knife to the neck of the animal which is hidden among them.

One has to surrender and self-sacrifice in the court of Almighty Allah. One should become a true believer or pious by acquiring taqwa and fear of Allah. May our salat, qurbani, life and death be all dedicated to Allah, may this be the prayer to the Bidhata on Eid-ul-Azha. Finally, I am concluding the article by mentioning a few stanzas of Kazi Nazrul Islam's poem 'Qurbani'.

Not killing him, today is the inauguration of Satyagraha Shakti

কল Kalyanketu target on the pole of murder ঐ arch

Sacrifice your life in the name of Allah today

Eid Put Bodhan.

Not killing him, today is the inauguration of Satyagraha Shakti..

1. Muhammad Asadullah Al-Ghalib, Masayel Qurbani and Akbika (Rajshahi: Hadith Foundation Bangladesh, 5th edition, 2009), pp. 8-9.

2. Ainul Bari Aliyabi, Sacrifice and Legal Description (Calcutta: Swadeshi Laser Printing, 1994), pp. 11-12.

3. Qurbani and Akbika in Masayel, p. 4.

4. 6, p. 4.

5. Ibn Majah, Albani-Sahih Ibn Majah, H / 2532.

6. Qurbani and Akbika in Masayel, p. 5.

7. The real tooth of an animal that has broken its milk teeth is called 'Musinnah'.

8. Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Mishkat-Albani, H / 1470.

9. Allama Mohammad Abdullah Kafi Al-Qurayshi, Eid Qurban

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