Russia is putting the globe on the verge of famine, according to the EU.

 Russia is putting the globe on the verge of famine, according to the EU.

Russia is putting the globe on the verge of famine, according to the EU.
Russia puts world at risk of famine: EU

Through its assault in Ukraine, Russia has cut off the country's food supply. At the same time, the European Union's foreign policy chief, Joseph Borel, said that the Russian government was placing the globe on the verge of famine by imposing export restrictions. This information was provided by Dawn in a report.

According to the article, Joseph Borel made the statements on Saturday (June 18) local time. On Monday, the EU foreign ministers will convene in Luxembourg. The focus of the discussion will be on food security and the impact of Western sanctions on Russia as a result of the Ukraine conflict.

We are prepared to engage with the UN and other partners to resolve any unexpected consequences on global food security," Borrell said on his blog on Saturday. Grain exports are being used by Russia's political leadership as a weapon against individuals who oppose Russian aggression in Ukraine.

The Black Sea has been turned into a battleground by Russia "he stated Food grains and fertilizers are not being supplied by Ukraine. Damage is also being done to Russian cargo ships. Russian food grain exports have also been subjected to quotas and additional tariffs. This jeopardizes global food security."

According to Borrell, the EU's sanctions against Russia in response to the conflict in Ukraine have had no impact on Russia's agricultural exports or the pricing of those goods.


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