What is the name of the most powerful supercomputer in the world today.


What is the name of the most powerful supercomputer in the world today.

8 most powerful supercomputers
The most powerful supercomputer.

The Sunway Taihulite supercomputer is located at the Guangzhou National Supercomputer Center in China. It is the world's most powerful supercomputer. It has a speed of 125 petaflops.

Science-Technology Desk: The experience of using computers today is very different from the experience of a few decades ago. Advances in computer systems are almost doubling each year. Transistors that used to be the size of pencil erasers are now so small that billions of transistors can fit on a fingernail.

A modern laptop's central processing unit (CPU) can execute about 21 billion instructions per second. Which is much faster than the most advanced computers of the 1970s.

As computing power continues to improve, more and more complex calculations are required. Much more data is now being collected and processing it requires computers of incredible power. New scientific fields—such as advanced weather forecasting, nuclear test simulations, cell modeling at the molecular level, and even human brain simulations—are becoming more complex, predicting the need for faster and more powerful supercomputers.

Let's know about the 8 most powerful supercomputers in the world today.

8. Who is Fujitsu?

Fujitsu's 'K' computer was the first supercomputer built in November 2011 with a speed of 10.5 petaflops. This computer can handle the equivalent of about 80,000 CPUs. It uses water cooling technology. As a result it does not overheat. This supercomputer with 88,128 octa core processors (SPARC64 8FX) is used for many purposes including space research, climate change, healthcare development, earthquake forecasting, nuclear research, energy exploration. The computer was installed at the research institute Riken Advanced Institute for Computational Science with technical support from Fujitsu.

7. Oakforest-PACS

The computer was jointly developed by the University of Tokyo, University of Tsukuba and Fujitsu Company. It has a speed of 25 petaflops. Intel's latest generation 'Xeon Phi' processor makes it Japan's fastest supercomputer. The system is made up of 8,208 computation nodes. It is used for computational science research and trains young researchers to use high-performance computers.

6. Curie (NERSC)

The computer was developed by the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center in California and the supercomputer was named Curie after America's first female Nobel laureate, Gertie Curie. This computer of Cray X60 system has a speed of 29.1 petaflops. It uses Intel's Xeon and Xeon Pi processors.

5. sequoia

This supercomputer is used to calculate the risk of nuclear war as a result of advanced weapons science. It has 98,304 nodes. It is the 5th most powerful supercomputer in the world and has a speed of 17.2 petaflops. International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation's third-generation Blue Gene/Q supercomputer has been installed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the United States.

4. the titan

It is one of the best supercomputers in the western world. It was the world's most powerful computer until the discovery of the Tianhe-2 supercomputer in 2013. It is the first supercomputer to combine AMD Opteron CPUs and Nvidia Tesla GPUs, with a speed of 27 petaflops. Computers with this kind of power are used by researchers to perform the complex calculations required in climate science, astrophysics and molecular physics.

3. Tianhe-2

The computer is capable of mathematical calculations at a speed of 33.86 petaflops per second (1 petaflop in 1000 trillion). Researchers at China's National University of Defense Technology are the makers of the world's fastest supercomputer. It is also known as 'Milky Way-2'. The computer with 16,000 computer nodes was the most powerful computer in the world in 2013.

2. Piz Daint

The supercomputer, Piz Daint, is located at the Swiss Computing Center in Switzerland. This supercomputer is the most powerful supercomputer in Europe. Its performance is tripled to 25.3 petaflops.

1. Sunway Taihulight

The Sunway Taihulite supercomputer is located at the Guangzhou National Supercomputer Center in China. It is the most powerful supercomputer in the world. It has a speed of 125 petaflops. It has more than one crore processing cores and 40 thousand 960 nodes. Computers are being used for climate research, Earth system modeling and data analysis.

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