what is google / what is google search / what is google pay, what is google pay/Who is the father of the computer?


what is google / what is google search / what is google pay,what is google pay.

what is google / what is google search / what is google pay,   what is google pay.
what is google

Larry Page and Sergey Brin established Google as a private limited company on September 4, 1998. On August 19, 2004, it became a public limited company. Google.com is the world's most visited website. But it would be incorrect to say that Google is simply a search engine today. Google is now a multinational corporation. Aside from the search engine, many other types of products or services are widely available in the market.

Who is the father and owner of Google?

Larry Page and Sergey Brin are Google's founders. When he was a Ph.D. student at Stanford University in California, he began working on Google as a research project. Then, as a result of their success, we have Google today.

To speak of Google's owner, "many Google owners.

Google is an openly traded company. And, as a result of the people who purchased Google shares, Google now has thousands and millions of owners.

When is Google's birthday?

Google celebrates its birthday every year on September 27. In fact, Google was founded on September 4,1998.

What is Google Money?

You may be wondering what the name Google means. In reality, it makes no sense. The name Google is derived from a misspelling of the math term googol, which is 1 followed by 100 zeros. There are numerous reports that an engineer or student used this misspelling instead of the correct name.

What kind of company is Google?

Larry Page and Sergey Brin established Google as a private limited company on September 4,1998. On August 19, 2004, it became a public limited company. Google has been able to grow in size and usefulness over time by adding new products and services.

What is the real name of Google?

Answer:- Google's real name is Backrub.

What is the full form of Google?

GOOGLE = Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth.

What is the name of Google's virtual chatting?

Recently, Google launched a new virtual chatting service called 'Lively'.

What is the function of Google Drive?

Google Drive is simply an online file storage service where we can upload and store necessary files such as "images", "videos", "documents", "apps" or any digital file.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of optimizing a website or web page to appear first in the search results list of search engine users so that it appears more frequently in search results.

What is Search Engine Marketing?

ACM (SEM) or search engine marketing is the process of displaying or ranking a keyword on the first page of a search engine by running an ad campaign in exchange for money via paid advertising.

What is Google search engine?

Google Search is the most popular search engine on the internet. Google's mission is to "organize and make accessible all of the world's information." It is the most popular search engine. Every day, Google receives approximately 5.4 billion, or more than 5 billion, search requests through its various services.

Site Type: Web An...

Website: google.com.bd

Who is the father of search engines?

Alan Mtaz is known as the "Father of Search Engines." Alan Mtaz has been dubbed the "Father of Search Engines.

What are the main types of search engines?

(1) Primary Search Engine: The search engines that we are most familiar with, such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. These are the most popular search engines. (3) Targeted Search Engines: Targeted search engines are software that is only used to find a specific type of content.

Write the names of two search engines.

Answer:-The three search engines I can use are Google,Yahoo and Pipilika.

What is the name of the world's most popular search engine?

When asked which search engine is the most popular, the obvious answer is "Google." Because Google has the largest market share, which is currently around 92.47%. And, with a market share of around 2.71%, Bing is the second most popular search engine after Google.

Advantages of search engines.

A search engine is a type of tool that can be used to quickly find information from a variety of sources on the Internet. We can learn a variety of things by using a search engine. Even if we don't know the name of a website, we can find it using a search engine.

Why are search engines used?

As previously stated,search engines are essentially a component of the Internet that assists us in navigating it(called browsing).When we type something based on that word,it generates a list of multiple results and displays it to us.

Question: Who is the father of e-mail?

Answer: Ray Tomley Son.

What is Email and Gmail?

Gmail is Google mail, and email is electronic mail.Gmail refers to a specific message,whereas email refers to all messages.If you already have a Gmail ID, sign in at www.gmail.com; otherwise, sign up. The full form of email is electronic mail.

Who started e-mail?

Ray Tomlinson, the American widely regarded as the father of e-mail, died last week. In 1971, he pioneered the process of sending electronic messages. He was working as a computer engineer in Boston at the time.

Who is the father of the Internet?

Answer: Vinton G. Curf.

Who is the father of Www?

Tim Burners Lee is known as the "Father of the World Wide Web." While working in Geneva Sarnia, Switzerland, Tim Burners Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989. Originally Answered: Who is the father of the internet?

Who is the father of ICT?

ICT's father Alan Turing (June 23, 1912 – June 7, 1954), Order of the British Empire, Fellow of the Royal Society, was a leading English computer engineer, mathematician, logician, philosopher, cryptographer, and mathematician. Was a biologist who also ran marathons.

Who is the father of the computer?

Charles Babbage, a scientist, is regarded as the "Father of the Modern Computer." In 1810, scientist Charles Babbage proposed creating a machine to calculate numbers and tables mechanically. In 1830, Charles Babbage created his fabled machine.

Who is the father of modern computer science?

Although the scientist John von Neumann is regarded as the "Father of the Computer," many believe that the concept of the computer began with Alan Turing's theory.

Who is the father of the mini computer?

Ted Hoff, Stan Major, Federico Fagin of the United States, and Masatoshi Shima of Japan invented it. In the computer world, a minicomputer is a machine that sits somewhere between microcomputers and mainframe computers.

Who is the father of super computer?

Vijay Pandurang Bhatkar is commonly referred to as the "Father of Indian Supercomputers.


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