If you want to go to Japan for higher education.

If you want to go to Japan for higher education.

Can I apply for graduation. What are the scholarship opportunities. What are the eligibility requirements for the scholarship. How is the study and university life in Japan. If you want to study in Japan, do you have to learn Japanese. How is the cost of living in Japan. If someone wants to study without a scholarship, how is the cost. How can I learn Japanese at home. Are there opportunities to work alongside studies. What are the job opportunities in that country after studying in Japan.

If you want to go to Japan for higher education.
If you want to go to Japan for higher education.

Many students of Bangladesh are going to study or research in the land of the rising sun - Japan. How are the study facilities there? We searched.

1. Can I apply for graduation?

Amimul Ehsan Khan is a third year student of Tokyo International University. He is studying International Relations. He said, 'Every year many students from South Asian countries come to Japan to study at the graduate level. You can directly apply to various universities in Japan after completing your high school examination. You can apply through the Japanese embassy in Bangladesh. There are also scholarship opportunities in various public universities in Japan. Details are available on this page.

2. What are the scholarship opportunities?

The amount of scholarship is relatively high at Masters and PhD level. Shamit Dasgupta, a master's student in economics at Hiroshima University, said that MEXT scholarship is notable among the popular scholarships. This scholarship is given to develop Japan's friendship with other countries through research. The scholarship holders under this program do not have to pay any tuition fee or admission fee. Accommodation, food, round trip airfare are also included in the scholarship. Apart from this, students get the opportunity to study without tuition fees in Japan's 'ADB-Japan Scholarship Program'. Living expenses, incidental expenses including rent, purchase of books and other essentials, medical insurance, travel expenses—all are covered by the scholarship. Another popular scholarship is the Japan-World Bank Scholarship. Through this, there are various training opportunities including Masters, PhD degrees. Students from various universities get various scholarships and financial incentives for good results and work. E-mail the university's international office to know about these scholarship and fellowship opportunities.

3. What are the eligibility requirements for the scholarship?

The academic climate in Japan is competitive and innovative. For two semesters each year, Japanese institutions will accept students with a variety of scholarships and fellowships. Dr. Rehnuma Haque is a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University School of Medicine. He holds a PhD from Japan's Kagoshima University. He stated that in order to qualify for the scholarship, one must have strong academic credentials and a passion for higher education and research. One needs to be driven and motivated to succeed in graduate and doctoral studies. In addition to the numerous papers needed for the scholarship, you should write a "Statement of Purpose" that includes a paragraph explaining your motivation for conducting research. In addition, prior research experience and participation certificates from other social events are taken into account.

4. How is the study and university life in Japan?

ADB-Japan Scholarship Program is one of the most prominent research and higher education scholarships in the whole world. To foster the development of the future leaders of the Asian continent and the Pacific area, Japan and the Asian Development Bank are providing the scholarship. Masruf Hossain was able to complete his master's degree at Tokyo Institute of Technology, one of the top engineering schools in the world, because to this scholarship. He said that the educational climate in Japan differs. There, hard effort is valued highly with skill. Students are working on their academics and research day and night. Research of every type is being conducted to create a better future.The teacher-student interaction is one feature of Japanese education. Teachers answer questions from students on any subject without hesitation, no matter how many times they ask about it. According to Rehnuma Haque, there are prospects for more in-depth study and research in many colleges in Europe and America with higher education from Japan. Several Japanese colleges are home to numerous US educators and researchers. Therefore, the environment and quality of study are contemporary and research-oriented.

5. If you want to study in Japan, do you have to learn Japanese?

Naturally, having knowledge of Japanese increases your possibilities. Ohio State University's Department of Physics postdoctoral researcher. Ara Ferdous. In 2019, he graduated with his PhD from Tohuku University. He then worked as a postdoc for an additional 2.5 years. He advised learning Japanese as part of your graduation preparation. Since the Master's and PhD curricula are taught in English, it is not an issue if you don't speak Japanese. However, universities are where overseas students may study Japanese.

6. How is the cost of living in Japan?

The standard of living in Japanese cities is very high. Rehnuma Haque said, 'The cost of living is very similar to Bangladesh. But there are many citizen privileges. While studying in Japan on a scholarship, we got the opportunity to participate in various cultural events. Masruf Hossain said, "For higher education and training, I have mixed with people from different cultures and environments. Japan's environment and lifestyle are better than many other countries. Japanese professional behavior and values ​​are exemplary. They have no compromise with work. In any case, the Japanese are very polite. They respect social behavior very much.

7. If someone wants to study without a scholarship, how is the cost?

Tuition fees for studying in Japan vary from university to university. Fees start from $9,000 in various government universities. Private universities charge a minimum fee of $8,000 a year. There are also opportunities to study in Japan without a scholarship. In that case, a fee of 5 lakh 32 thousand yen (about 3 lakh 78 thousand taka) per semester is added to the normal cost.

8. How can I learn Japanese at home?

There are many opportunities to learn Japanese. Ferdous Ara said, there is an opportunity to learn Japanese language online. Anyone can learn Japanese from various international language teaching platforms including YouTube. Apart from this, one can also learn from language teaching institutes of different universities including Dhaka University. JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) is available in Bangladesh just like English Language Proficiency Certificate IELTS.

9. Are there opportunities to work alongside studies?

goes Knowing Japanese makes it easier to work in different organizations. There are job opportunities in various research laboratories and related projects of the university. Ferdous Ara said that the work environment in Japan is very professional. Punctuality and professional behavior are always important. International students typically work 28 hours a week.

10. What are the job opportunities in that country after studying in Japan?

After higher education in Japan, he is currently working as a venture capitalist. imam He said, 'Bangladesh students or researchers have various job opportunities in Japan. Chances are more if you know Japanese. Can work in various technology companies. Many people also work in financial institutions, laboratories, commercial institutions. Bangladeshis are joining various Japanese educational institutions and laboratories. Many students also work in famous companies such as Sony, Toyota, Hitachi. Many students are taking jobs directly from Japan to various corporate organizations in Europe and America.


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