Who owns AI art? The ethical pros and cons of AI art generation


Who owns AI art? The ethical pros and cons of AI art generation

Who owns AI art? The ethical pros and cons of AI art generation
The ethical pros and cons of AI art generation

This means that, under current rules, there is no owner of AI-generated art. Copyright protection is granted to the art as soon as the work is created, so the creator has the exclusive right to decide the future use of the work.

Read the revised version of my article on copyright in AI art titled “Who owns AI art?” in Vigyanchinta's February 2023 issue and online portal.

The February 2023 issue of Science Fiction is out now. To read an article of mine titled “Who Owns AI Art?” along with half a dozen science fiction pieces on copyright in AI art, pick up this month's science fiction from your local newspaper hawker or library or read online at Prothom Alor portal.

Ethical Pros and Cons of AI Art Generation?

AI Art Generator opens the door to endless creative possibilities. But it has a long way to go in terms of being fair and ethical.

Creating art with an AI engine is fun and exciting when you think about how this technology is transforming the art industry, but there are also many issues to consider.

Here are the ethical pros and cons of the AI industrial generation to keep in mind when playing with DALL-E or midjourney. It's up to you to decide how careful you want to be with your creation.

Advantages of using AI Art Generator

There are many platforms available today that allow you to create AI images on Android, iOS and PC The advantages of such software include artistic freedom and the evolution of art.

1. Anyone can create art with artificial intelligence

You just enter a prompt, and the AI generator delivers the best images it can. The clearer and more detailed the prompt, the more interesting the results.

This means anyone can create art for their entertainment or projects, from character art and surrealist paintings to AI background designs for portrait photography.

If nothing else, you won't have to rely on expensive and time-consuming professionals to get the job done. Leveling the artistic playing field is a significant moral advantage.

2. You don't have to pay a fortune for art

Another big advantage of being able to create your own designs with AI generators is that they are mostly free to use. A human artist can charge a lot for a single commission, so if you're strapped for money or need more artwork than you can afford, a A good AI image generator is a resource.

3. AI technology revives classic artistic styles

One of the most inspiring aspects of AI Art Generation is that software can learn from old images and breathe new life into classics. You can ask for a Van Gogh or Picasso-themed design, and the generator will respond accordingly with different results.

These services create the most impressive paintings that emulate the old style and, in a way, pay posthumous tributes to the classic artists who shaped the modern art world.

Moral pitfalls of using AI art generators

Copyright infringement is the biggest issue alongside the ongoing debate over whether AI-generated images are real art at all.

1. AI generators learn from images without artists' permission

Whether the software uses generative adversarial networks or diffusion models, an AI art generator learns from existing images, videos, text, and more, all of which come from the Internet.

AI developers can simply take this data and feed it into their engine without informing the original owners. Some people end up finding artwork that looks like them, but they never made it.

Blatant infringement of copyright is only part of the ethical problem with AI art generators. Another is that artists can do nothing to reclaim their property and stop the engines from taking more.

2. Copyright law is helpless against AI generators

Creating art or any other material through artificial intelligence is a very complex technology and is still in its infancy, so lawmakers don't quite know what to make of it or how to protect artists' copyrights. Even big brands are reluctant to take action.

Until we can clearly define the nature, structure and boundaries of AI generators, specifying what should be considered a crime and who should be blamed, there will be no official protections for artists other than what individual platforms set.

The ban on AI art in Newground, for example, specifies that computer-generated images are not welcome, but allows the use of AI in small parts of the artwork, as long as their creators make a note of these elements so that others are aware.

3. They don't compensate or credit artists

What makes the AI industry even more unethical is that the developers and users of an engine barely consider the original artists, who may not give permission or credit or pay for their unintended contributions to the new image.

You don't always know when you'll use an engine car art when you put in a prompt, some platforms let you choose from specific artists. StarryAI offers Banksy, Greg Rutkowski and Ilya Kuvshinov among other popular names.

Even a vague label can amplify your prompts and show who the AI's inspiration will be. But there are no rules that compel users where to lend.

4. Artists lose revenue as people turn to AI generators

In addition to AI engines and their developers taking advantage of copyrighted art without feedback, artists must also compete with free and easy-to-use art-generating software that turns potential customers into AI rather than human artists.

It doesn't matter that it may take several tries to get the artwork you want, or that there are security concerns when you share data to create a self-portrait on Vana, for example. It's a cheap and fast option that artists still can't beat.

So, using AI-generated images instead of commissioning an artist for your projects takes business away from them and further restricts the already competitive industry.

A fair strategy might be to only use human artists for official business and leave the AI engines for personal fun, but, again, it all depends on your capabilities.

Learn the ethical use of AI in image generation

It is unethical to produce art entirely through AI and capitalize on it without informing or rewarding the original artists in any way. Over time, it will no doubt become illegal. This is why it is important to understand that the AI industry needs to be used as ethically as possible. This will keep you out of trouble and when legal action comes into play.

There are many ways to incorporate AI tools into your work and everyday life without compromising your ethics or someone else's copyright, so start exploring what this exciting industry has to offer.

People also ask

Why are people against the AI industry?

One reason could be their concern about the potential impact of AI on the art world and artists' roles. Some people may be concerned that the use of AI in art will reduce the demand for human artists or devalue human-made art.

What are the downsides of the AI industry?

Is the AI industry a threat to artists?

Artificial intelligence art is not comparable to human-made art, which is supported by stories and emotions, but the real threat is the underpayment of genuine artists.

Why do artists bother with AI art?

Artists have widely criticized AI-powered image generation tools for being trained on human-made art scraped from the web and then used without effectively remixing or even closely copying.


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