Causes and Remedies of Air Pollution 2023

 Causes and Remedies of Air Pollution 2023

Causes and Remedies of Air Pollution
Causes and Remedies of Air Pollution

According to the World Health Organization - air pollution is when people and their environment are seriously harmed due to the presence of certain substances in the ambient air in sufficient quantities.

Environmentalist Perkins said in his book 'Air Pollution' that the presence and duration of one or more infectious substances such as toxic smoke, dust, gas, fog, gravel, smog or fumes in the outdoor atmosphere is harmful to humans, animals or plants. Harmful, it is called air pollutant .

In the context of the above two definitions, it can be said that the presence of unwanted and polluting substances in the surrounding atmosphere of people exceeds the dangerous level and the harm caused to the living environment is called air pollution.

Primary Air Pollutants

 Pollutants from natural and man-made sources that directly enter the air and pollute the air are called primary air pollutants. These pollutants are – carbon oxides (CO), nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, hydrocarbons, smoke, fly ash, dust, pollen and various viruses. About 90 percent of global air pollution is caused by these primary pollutants.

Secondary Air Pollutants

Pollutants that are produced by reaction of two or more primary air pollutants in the presence of sunlight or in the absence of sunlight or by reactions between the natural elements of the air and the air pollutant are called secondary air pollutants. These are – sulfuric acid, acid rain, smog, peroxy acyl nitrate.

Causes of Air Pollution 

Sources of infectious agents that cause air pollution are divided into two categories. Namely –

Natural causes

 When air is polluted by substances emitted from natural sources, it is called natural pollutant. Air is polluted in various natural ways, such as –

1. Fires - Forest fires are caused by lightning, lava flows, friction between trees, etc. In this way, forest land gets burnt and causes air pollution such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, ash etc.

2. Eruptions – During eruptions, large amounts of  carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulphide are emitted from volcanoes, polluting the air. About 70% of the total sulfur is released into the air during eruptions.

3. Dust storms – Dust storms occur in deserts and deserts due to extreme heat during the day. As a result of this dusting, very fine dust mixes with the air and destroys the balance of the air.

4. Decomposition – As a result of the decomposition of dead organisms, many types of odorous gases like methane, hydrogen sulphide etc. mix with the air and cause air pollution.

5. Cosmic matter – Meteorites, cosmic dust, etc. from outer space mix with the air and cause air pollution.

Man-made causes

Due to the continuous human activities, unwanted substances are constantly mixed in the air, these are called anthropogenic causes.

1. Factories – Large amounts of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, metal particles, smoke etc. emitted from factories in industrial areas pollute the air.

2. Vehicles – Combustion of fossil fuels (petrol and diesel) in various vehicles emits various harmful gases. Among these, about 70 percent of carbon monoxide, one of the major air pollutants, is emitted from these vehicles. Also, vehicle exhaust contains a lot of nitrogen oxides that pollute the air. Urban air is more polluted due to excess of vehicles.

3. Thermal power plants – Coal-based thermal power plants emit a large amount of ash in the air, besides gases like nitrous oxide, sulfur oxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc., causing air pollution. About 30 percent of the world's total sulfur pollution is mixed into the air from the combustion of coal used in thermal power plants.

4. Nuclear Power Plant – Nuclear power plant reactors emit large amounts of radioactive material into the air, polluting the air.

5. Other pollutants –

As a result of deforestation, the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide is disturbed.

Smoke, ash and organic phosphates are produced by landfilling.

CFCs emitted from air conditioners mix into the air and destroy ozone.

Control of Air Pollution

To keep the atmosphere free from pollution the following measures need to be adopted.

1. Afforestation – Trees help maintain the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide, so planting large amounts of trees balances the various gases in the atmosphere.

2. Use of non-conventional energy – burning fossil fuels pollutes the air more. So instead of these it is necessary to use pollution free solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy etc.

3. Use of clean fuels – Air pollution can be controlled by mandating the use of sulphur-free coal and Sis-free petrol, making it mandatory for vehicles to run on liquefied petroleum gas.

4. Installation of air purifiers – Installation of air purifiers at sources of air pollution reduces the amount of air pollution. Air pollution can be reduced by using electrostatic precipitators to separate dust from the air from chimneys of factories, thermal power plants, etc., and by installing catalytic converters in cars.

5. Change in production methods – Air pollution can be reduced by changing production methods in agriculture and industry, for example – using organic pesticides instead of chemical pesticides in agriculture and not using polluting raw materials in industry.

6. Legislation – Air pollution can be controlled by enforcing the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Act, 1981 by the Central Pollution Control Board and taking strict action against the polluters.

7. Public awareness – Air pollution can be prevented by creating awareness among the public about the sources or causes and ill effects of air pollution. 

People also ask

What is the remedies of air pollution?

On Days when High Particle Levels are Expected, Take these Extra Steps to Reduce Pollution:

1. Reduce the number of trips you take in your car.

2. Reduce or eliminate fireplace and wood stove use.

3. Avoid burning leaves, trash, and other materials.

4. Avoid using gas-powered lawn and garden equipment.

What are the 10 causes of air pollution?

We have listed 10 common air pollution causes along with their effects. They have serious implications for you and your loved ones health on a daily basis.

1. The Burning of Fossil Fuels. ...

2. Industrial Emission. ...

3. Indoor Air Pollution. ...

4. Wildfires. ...

5. Microbial Decaying Process. ...

6. Transportation. ...

7. Open Burning of Garbage Waste.

What are the remedies for air pollution Class 8?

Ans: To reduce air pollution,

1. One can use public transport. ...

2. Use clean fuels such as LPG and CNG instead of diesel and petrol.

3. Dispose garbage in a proper way instead of burning it which causes pollution.

4. Control the emissions from vehicles and household chimneys.

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