Saudi Arabia has issued six million visas this year.


Saudi Arabia has issued six million visas this year.

Saudi Arabia has issued six million visas this year.
Saudi Arabia has issued six million visas this year.

Since the beginning of the year, Saudi Arabia has given visas to almost six lakh Bangladeshis. Employee visas have all been issued. The Saudi ambassador to Dhaka, Isa bin Yusuf Al Duhailan, made the statements at a press conference in his office on Tuesday afternoon.

The news conference was held on the occasion of King Salman bin Abdul Aziz, the royal caretaker of the two holy mosques in Mecca and Medina, presenting 50,000 tons of dates to Bangladesh as gifts.

So far, we have issued more than six lakh visas, all of which are worker visas,Isa bin Yusuf Al Duhailan said when asked how many Bangladeshis had been issued visas since the beginning of 2022. We also issue business and tourist visas. We're having trouble dealing with the influx of visa applicants. Every day, between 8,000 and 10,000 visas are issued. In the future, there are plans to raise the daily visa rate.

Manpower export, by the way, is a significant part of Saudi Arabia's connection with Bangladesh. In this connection, the Saudi envoy stated that at least 2.3 million Bangladeshis work in the Middle East in diverse areas. Despite the fact that personnel exports were halted owing to Corona virus, Bangladeshi employees were still recruited.

The Saudi embassy in Dhaka issued 12,300 visas on February 24, setting a new record for the embassy in terms of visas issued in a single day.

The Padma Bridge has the potential to attract investment.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's fortitude in building the Padma Bridge with her own money was lauded by the Saudi envoy. He considers his revolutionary choice to build the Padma Bridge with his own money to be one of Bangladesh's most significant achievements. Foreign investors can now enter Bangladesh as a result of this historic decision.

Isa bin Yusuf Al Duhailan, when asked about Saudi investment in large-scale projects in Bangladesh as a result of the construction of the Padma Bridge, indicated that a number of well-known Saudi firms, including Aqua, had spent between 500 billion and 600 million in Bangladesh. Saudi businessmen have previously been lured to Bangladesh because of its political stability and investment-friendly atmosphere. Under the supervision of Saudi Investment Minister, representatives from 22 leading Saudi enterprises will soon visit Bangladesh.

The visit of the head of the anti-IS military alliance.

Bangladesh is one of the 41 countries that make up the Saudi-led International Militant Organization (ISO) and the International Militant Counter-Terrorism Center (IMCTC) (Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition). Maj. Gen. Mohammed bin Saeed Al-Moghadi, the alliance's acting secretary general, will visit Bangladesh next month.

When asked about the Saudi-led military alliance's chief executive's visit to Bangladesh, Isa bin Yusuf Al Duhailan stated Bangladesh was one of the countries that joined the alliance. Discussions on how one country may work with another in countering terrorism will take place during the next visit.


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