Corona infection is on the rise, everyone beware: Health Minister.


Corona infection is on the rise, everyone beware: Health Minister.

Corona infection is on the rise, everyone beware: Health Minister.
 Corona infection is on the rise, everyone beware: Health Minister.

Coronavirus infection is progressively spreading in the country, according to Health Minister Zahid Malek, who added that everyone should be more alert in this area.

He made the announcement following a discussion on Monday (June 13) at the Secretariat about automating the student admission procedure at private medical and dental universities.

Kovid, according to the health minister, has grown a little. Take care. You must wear a mask and maintain a certain level of social isolation. The patient is gaining weight.

Despite the fact that 50-70 people have been affected in the last few days, 109 persons were detected afflicted across the country on Saturday (June 12).

Kovid has gained in popularity in the country, according to the health ministry. We've seen 30-35 people affected in the last two months, and there were 109 people afflicted yesterday. That's quite a little more.

He said, "We have to keep Kovid in check." Covid has yet to be eradicated. We are now in a normal state; nevertheless, we will need everyone's help to avoid going into an abnormal state.

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